Islamic Community love

Islamic Community


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  • Sungkar, the indictment says, became the military governor of the so-called Indonesian Islamic State soon after and that the two men then began recruiting Indonesians into a group they were calling the Jemaah Islamiyah, which means “Islamic Community.”

    Seeds of Terror Maria A. Ressa 2003

  • Sungkar, the indictment says, became the military governor of the so-called Indonesian Islamic State soon after and that the two men then began recruiting Indonesians into a group they were calling the Jemaah Islamiyah, which means “Islamic Community.”

    Seeds of Terror Maria A. Ressa 2003

  • President Mbeki said, "As the Islamic Community celebrates Eid, marking the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan, the Government and people of the Republic of South Africa join me in conveying warm greetings and wishing you a joyous celebration and continued good health and happiness as well as prosperity."

    ANC Daily News Briefing 2003

  • RFE/RL has confirmed that one Islamic Community imam, Mustafa Efendi Spahic, hosted a lecture in Sanski Most during the past week by the Wahhabi group.

    Spero News author unknown 2010

  • But Ekrem Tucakovic, a spokesman for the Islamic Community of Bosnia, denied there is any link between his organization and the Wahhabi campaign -- saying the Islamic Community learned of the lecture from local newspaper reports.

    Spero News author unknown 2010

  • You say "A mosque is not like a church, it's a community center for the Islamic Community."

    Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz 2010

  • This year, with the overt combat operations in Iraq finally finished and the controversy of the Islamic Community and Mosque planned a few blocks from the World Trade

    Musings of a Discerning Woman 2010

  • About a Hundred people, mostly members of Rochester's Islamic Community, Marched from outside the Federal Building to the corner of State and Main Streets to deliver a message.

    RNews - TOP STORIES 2009

  • About a Hundred people, mostly members of Rochester's Islamic Community, Marched from outside the Federal Building to the corner of State and Main Streets to deliver a message.

    RNews - TOP STORIES 2009

  • The secretary of the Islamic Community of Serbia, Eldin Asceric, confirmed that the Islamic Community has been in consultations with the Serbian Orthodox Church. 2009


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